Money Bootcamp with Denise Duffield-Thomas

Revolutionise your money mindset and release the fears holding you back

So you can create your dream life starting TODAY!

Money Bootcamp is the game-changing money mindset course and community that everyone is talking about.

YOU have a dream to grow your business, earn the money you deserve, create your ideal lifestyle and make a real difference in the world.

WE have the support, tools, and community to make it happen — a lot quicker and easier than you ever imagined.

JOIN OVER 8,000 ENTREPRENEURS TODAY for Monthly Live Group Coaching all the way through 2022 + Lifetime course and community access. 

As seen in

Which of these fears & hidden beliefs are holding you back from a life of abundance?

The first step to upgrading your money mindset is identifying what blocks are coming up for you around money and your business. Do any of these sound familiar?

You chronically undercharge and over-deliver – or worse, you agree to work for free and then feel all kinds of resentful about it.

Your bank balance doesn’t even begin to reflect the massive amount of work you are putting into your business.

You’re living in a permanent cycle of “feast or famine” and never feeling like you have enough.

You’re doing well enough financially, but you can’t see how you could possibly increase your income without working much harder

You often procrastinate taking care of income-producing activities in your business (like sending invoices or sending out email offers to your list).

You feel stuck at your current income. Your business has stalled or you’ve hit a plateau you want to break through.

You feel massive resistance (maybe even abject terror!) around having money conversations with potential clients.

You feel guilty whenever you spend money on yourself and even find it difficult to justify investing in your business

If any of these apply to you, your money mindset could be holding you back from realising your potential and growing your income. These blocks are common at ALL stages of business and affect entrepreneurs like you in every niche and every country across the world. But it is possible to change your relationship with money and completely transform your financial future.

How Do You Know If Money Blocks Are Holding You Back?

I’m going to go out on a limb here and say, “Trust me. You have them.”

Why am I so sure of that? Because everyone does.

I don’t know a single entrepreneur – even the mega-successful, millionaire ones – who don’t still deal with some form of money block. And yep, that totally includes me, even though I teach this stuff.

It’s really common to feel sacred or anxious about money. You’re not alone. Your fears are probably related to old money memories or experiences from childhood.

Maybe you’re feeling unworthy or self-doubt is coming up for you because you were told that you’re not good enough or smart enough. Perhaps you’ve got feelings of frustration and jealousy; everyone else seems to grow their wealth, set up businesses and achieve success quicker than you.

I know first-hand that money blocks can bring up a lot of emotions that will sabotage your progress and make business feel lonely and hard. This is where Money Bootcamp comes in. We’ve the practical tools and the community to support and encourage you on the road to success.

You know that famous Jim Rohn quote about motivation being like showering? (i.e., it doesn’t last, so you have to do it daily.) Well, working on your money blocks is the same. Shifting your blocks isn’t a one-time thing.

In fact, every time you hit a new level in your business, you’re going to see the same freaking money blocks crop up. The good news is that you’ll start to recognize them – and deal with them – much more quickly each time.

Here are some of the most common money blocks – see how many of them ring a bell for you:

  • “I’m just not meant to be rich.” (Sometimes this shows up as, “My family wasn’t rich, so I can’t be either.”)
  • “I have to work hard to make money.” (OMG, this is my biggest recurring one!)
  • “It’s obscene to make heaps of money when other people don’t have enough.”
  • “I just want to help people. I don’t care about the money.”
  • “Rich people are greedy and selfish.”
  • “People will stop loving me if I have too much money.”
  • “My partner/parents/friends will freak out if I earn more than them.”
  • “My family / relationship is more important than money. I can’t have both.”
  • “I can’t earn more than X, I can’t charge more than Y in my industry”
  • “It’s more important to be happy than be rich.”

It’s Not your fault, but you can take back control

You probably learned your money blocks growing up – past memories or negative experiences – stories you now tell yourself about what you deserve. Maybe you learned these beliefs and habits from your parents, grandparents or your industry. For every limiting belief, there’s an origin story to unpack and a pattern to break so you can feel more empowered and in control with money.

In my experience, working with entrepreneurs at all levels on building success, money blocks are an inevitable part of being in business. Not even millionaires and multi-millionaires are immune to the occasional freak out about money, and if you’re growing rapidly, you’ll hit your own self-imposed limits regularly.

The good news is that you can have money blocks without letting them derail you…you just need some support in upgrading your money mindset.

What Happens When You Upgrade Your Money Mindset?

When you break the cycle of limiting beliefs and negative money stories that may have been holding you back for years, your life will change in so many ways…for good.

I’m confident that when you take action with our step-by-step process, you can start to create your First-Class life too. Abundance means different things for everyone, but we can help you create real results like thousands of our members have achieved:

Without money blocks in your life, you’ll be empowered and confident to build your legacy, make money and change the world.

Breaking through your money blocks, and upgrading your money mindset to welcome more abundance into your life is exactly what we teach in Money Bootcamp.


Money Bootcamp

Multi-device Screenshot Showing What’s Included

Money Bootcamp provides everything you need to transform your money mindset

It’s a step by step, proven system to release your money blocks

So you can dramatically increase your income & finally have the business (and lifestyle) you deserve.

Join over 8,000 entrepreneurs today. Upgrade your money mindset. Create your first class life!

Here’s how Money Bootcamp is delivered

You’ll unlock instant access to training videos, resources & worksheets.

Each module leads you through the exact step by step process that I used to deal with my money blocks and become a multi-millionaire.

Screenshot of module or lesson on mobile or tablet
  • Mobile and tablet friendly so you can learn from anywhere.
  • All training videos are available with English, French, German, Italian and Spanish subtitles.

6 Money Mindset Training Modules

You’ll learn how to get clear of limiting beliefs and create a life of financial freedom as I guide you through these six essential lessons.

Module 1

Clear the Way for Your First Class Life

Pave the way for success by clearing out your old money stories

If you chronically undercharge and over-deliver or worse or agree to work for free and then feel all kinds of resentful about it. It’s time to stop living in a permanent cycle of “feast or famine”​ and never feeling like it’s enough.

So you can pave the way for genuine abundance, you’ve got to clear out the crap and start with a clean slate. In this first module, you’ll dive headfirst into the essentials that will set you up for success: divine decluttering, permanent forgiveness, and emotional clearing, including how to give up your family legacy around money – no matter how messy it is!

In this module you’ll learn:

  • How to clear and forgive old money memories
  • How to find abundance everywhere
  • How to unlock your hidden treasures
  • How to recognise self-sabotage and what to do about it
  • How to release old money blocks that are holding you back from ultimate success.

…and more

screenshot of what you get in this module

I barely dared to dream of this level of success before I joined bootcamp

I’m finally showing up as a business owner who knows what she’s worth. No more undercharging. As a result, I’m signing better quality soul clients who are happy to pay me – even signing clients who are paying 4 figure investments to work with me in full, which is something I barely dared to dream before money bootcamp.
Tracey Rampling Brown

Module 2

Develop Your Money Mindset Magic

Learn how to earn more without burnout!

Do you often procrastinate taking care of income-producing activities in your business
(like sending invoices or sending out email offers to your list)? And do you feel massive resistance (maybe even abject terror!) around having money conversations with potential clients?

When it comes to money, we’re all unique in the way we sabotage ourselves and hold ourselves back. Until you identify exactly what your own particular brand of mindset mayhem is, you’ll never be able to reprogram your thoughts and move forward.

That’s why in this module, we’ll be getting up close and personal with your individual belief system, and zeroing in on how and where you’re stuck.

In this module you’ll learn:

  • How to discover your energetic income
  • How to earn more money without working harder
  • How to clear negative beliefs
  • How to work through your money fears
  • How to ace daily goal-setting

…and more

screenshot of what you get in this module

I’ve invested in myself and am living my dream life!

I’m celebrating my first 35k launch! I joined Bootcamp back in January. This course allowed me to invest even more in myself and get certified in NLP & Hypnotherapy. Those certifications led me to creating an amazing program, increasing my prices by ten times, and promoting my product with absolutely no blocks getting in the way. I also decided to live my dream life; splitting my time between Merida, Mexico and Austin, TX. So much goodness has come from joining this course. I am forever grateful!
Amoya Shante

Module 3

Call in the Wealth

Short description of what you get in this module

This is where we start dialing up our understanding of the law of attraction and calling in the wealth you’re truly craving.

To start calling in your own version of abundance with laser precision, you’ve got to get crystal clear on what you want – both right now, as well as in the future.

In this module you’ll learn:

  • How to create anchors to boost positivity
  • How to shift your language to bring more abundance
  • How not to let other people’s money blocks get in the way of your success
  • How to stay positive and abundant in the face of scarcity and negativity

…and more

screenshot of what you get in this module

I literally make money in my sleep

I joined Money Bootcamp in January this year and I’m so glad I did. I really do wish I did it earlier, I was on the fence for a really long time, but it’s just really changed my perspective and the way I structure my business. The Facebook group is just out of this world. I’ve never had so many amazing women in one space that you can just learn off. So yeah, get in the group as quick as you can.
Leah Toth

Module 4

Big ripples, big results

Use the money manifesting formula to start to create results fast!

You know you have a great business or idea, but you can’t seem to make enough money from it to cover your basic expenses (let alone get “rich”​). Let’s ditch the BS, fears and doubts and make an investment in yourself to make your dreams happen.

Let’s get started on the art of inspired transformation, and it’s where the Lucky Bee money-making formula starts to get really exciting. It’s all about punching holes in time and space to start drawing in abundance and wealth like never before. You’ll learn how to get the whole Universe on your side and conspiring in your favor.

In this module you’ll learn:

  • Why you need to give yourself permission to be rich
  • How to overcome the excuses you tell yourself that stop you earning more
  • How clutter (physical and emotional) affects your income
  • How decluttering will bring greater abundance and success
  • How to upgrade your systems, marketing and mindset in your business.

…and more

screenshot of what you get in this module

I kept showing up and made my dreams come true!

Last weekend I moved into my dream house, with mini forest, library, beautiful office and even an art studio! Six years ago my credit rating was on the floor and we would never have imagined we could have a place like this. A deeper certainty has taken root around my work – now I know with total conviction how powerful it is. I am living my dreams out loud. I wish I could bottle this feeling! As Denise says, keep showing up, keep believing in the power of your dreams.
Joanna Hunter

Module 5

Building Your Dream Relationship with Money

How to bust through all the negative talk to create a First-Class life

Don’t let other people’s blocks, limiting beliefs and negative talk hold you back. It’s your time. We look at how to deal with other people’s money stories – your partner, your family and your kids.

There are so many different levels when it comes to your relationship with money, and unless you address them all, you’re destined to a future of setbacks, stumbling blocks, and ongoing struggle.

Here we address each of these issues in turn and start to rewrite your story to create a healthier, more loving relationship with your money!

In this module you’ll learn:

  • How to heal your relationship with money
  • How to fall in love with your life
  • How to increase your savings
  • Why it’s important to create a new mindset around savings
  • How to break through self-sabotage.

…and more

screenshot of what you get in this module

“This course has completely changed my life – money is fun now!”

“I’ve been a member of Denise’s Money Bootcamp for several years now. What I love most is that Denise never tells us to hustle harder or burn ourselves out or subscribe to the patriarchal systems. It hasn’t just helped me increase how much money I make, it’s also helped me embrace a life of easy, lazy, and fun approaches to making more money and keeping money. Money is fun to earn, to spend, to invest, and to give away. Embracing the approach that Denise teaches has completely changed my life!”
Tash Corbin

Module 6

Becoming A Mindset Role Model

Celebrate your success and show others what strong, wealthy and abundant looks like!

I know you have a HUGE desire for more, and tons of frustration you’re frustrated that it’s not coming quickly enough so, in the final module, we’ll ensure that all your newfound strategies and beliefs become second nature, so that manifesting becomes virtually effortless for you and you can create a ‘new norm’ when it comes to money.

Now listen, this might all sound woo-woo and theoretical but trust me – I’m a Virgo – I’ve crammed practical tools, techniques and proven steps into every module. And there’s not a single tool here that I haven’t put to use myself to create my own money transformation.

In this module you’ll learn:

  • How to talk to kids about money
  • How to be a strong wealthy role model
  • How to have healthy conversations about money with your partner
  • How to heal your collective money stories
  • How to rewrite your family’s future.

…and more

screenshot of what you get in this module

“I can see that it’s possible for me to be a multi-millionaire now!”

“Since I started this course I have doubled my income. I SEE it’s possible to be a multi millionaire and it’s got nothing to do with my background or whatever. I can do it too.”
Rifa Thorpe-Tracey


More Than Just Videos & Worksheets

12 Live Group Coaching Sessions with Denise

Denise has a Goddess-given knack for helping people like you achieve their biggest and craziest dreams. She’s a really awesome money mindset coach and you get access to her wisdom LIVE every month.

Connect with me EVERY month through 2022 for themed coaching and Q&A sessions to keep you moving and break through the blocks that come up as you grow.

As a Bootcamper you’ll receive bonus monthly group coaching calls WITH ME all the way though 2021 and 2022 to give you ongoing support, encouragement and inspiration.

This is the only way to connect with me live and every month I’ll be answering your questions and teaching the main Bootcamp, money mindset and Chillpreneur principles.

The calls take place on the final Thursday of each month and of course are recorded and made available in our members area.

It’s super important that you understand why this is such a special opportunity!

Money Breakthrough is the absolute best way to do this work and work with ME as it combines the full online program with bonus LIVE group coaching and immersion.

What’s better than having a million-dollar money mentor right by your side while you embrace these life-changing concepts — AND a vibrant community of women who are immersing themselves in the content along with you?

If you’ve been looking for an “excuse” to join – girlfriend, NOW is the time!

Money Bootcamp Helps you Get to the Next Level in Your Business

(whether you’re just starting out or a seasoned pro)

Money mindset work is ongoing. Money blocks and limiting beliefs will keep popping up. And these old stories can really derail your success. . Good news is that working on your mindset will have a powerful impact on your ability to hit your targets quicker.

Moving up and breaking through your income plateau requires a keen understanding of your personal money stuff. You need to take a look at your particular money sabotages and work through them

In our community, there are members at all stages of business from $0 to 8-figures. Money Bootcamp works because no matter what your income or industry, the principles are the same and will help you get to the next level (over and over again!).

Most people who join Money Bootcamp are at one of five stages. Which are you at?

Stage 1

Starting Out

This is you if:

  • You’re new to business or have an idea and want to get started.
  • You may still have a job, so it may be tough to juggle everything.
  • You might struggle with having the courage to own what you do and actually call yourself a coach or an author, for example.
  • Perhaps you’re stressing about getting your first client – or charging people
  • You might still be on your practice business – and that’s okay. It’s all good practice – and it all counts.

I’ve had hundreds of practice businesses! They’ve all led me in the right direction.

You may be caught on the roller-coaster of terror (this is SO SCARY) and elation (OMG, I LOVE STARTING MY BUSINESS). I know this feeling so well.

I’ve been there! You ARE the business and do most things yourself

Here’s what you’ll learn to help you move from Stage 1 to Stage 2:

  • How to clear any blocks that are holding you back from just getting started
  • How to boost your confidence and give yourself permission
  • How to set (and increase) your prices
  • How to get a better work/life balance

…and more

“I wouldn’t have had the confidence without Bootcamp”

“I quit my job as a Paramedic for good and went full time on my business. I honestly don’t believe I would have had the confidence to do this without Bootcamp and the support of the bootcamp community.”
Krystal Kleidon

Stage 2


This is you if:

  • You’re aiming to hit $100,000 per year income
  • You may be struggling to earn more than you did in your last 9-5 job
  • You might be on the feast or famine rollercoaster Perhaps you’re longing for consistent $10k months
  • Perhaps you’re stressing about getting your first client – or charging people.
  • Maybe you’re still doing almost everything yourself and struggling to delegate
  • You might find yourself making constant tweaks to your business trying to ace your marketing strategy
  • You might be procrastinating having a marketing strategy
  • Perhaps you’re wanting to create more passive income.

So, you’ve built a business that works and your main goal at this stage is survival. Many businesses stick at this stage – think of your local mom and pop store.

Money Bootcamp can help you uplevel. Here’s how:

Here’s what you’ll learn to help you move from Stage 2 to Stage 3:

  • How to grow your income without burnout
  • The power of boundaries and saying no!
  • How to make way for new levels of abundance
  • The importance of dealing with your blocks around seeking help and trying to do everything yourself.

…and more

“I’ve doubled my income”

“My whole business focus has shifted from general happiness and mindset to business and money mindset. I’ve increased my fees and doubled my income. And I feel SO GOOD about this because I’m surrounded by so many women doing the same thing.”
Deirdre Amies

Stage 3

Growing Success

This is you if:

  • You’re probably making low to mid-6-figures
  • And maybe wanting to hire out some of the tasks you know aren’t in your zone of genius
  • You’re working hard and can’t see how to double your income without working twice as hard
  • You’ve got some big decisions to make about which offers and type of customers to focus on
  • You’re thinking about raising your prices but procrastinating taking action
  • You’re beginning to realise the need to say no to those things that don’t serve your business vision.
  • You want to bank more profit and start upgrading your life and home

This is such a fun stage of business! You most likely have people helping you out, cash is more plentiful and you have a successful business.

Well done!

There are still a few mindset issues to be aware of during this phase though.

Money Bootcamp can help you nail these and progress to the next level!

Here’s what you’ll learn to help you move from Stage 3 to Stage 4:

  • How to energetically declutter to make space for the big-ticket items
  • How to take control of your time and outsource what doesn’t give you joy
  • The money mindset work to shift any residual blocks
  • How to get really clear on your future vision.

…and more

I’m paying myself the amount I want to earn

I’ve had my own business for 14 years and have always paid myself through payroll, but it’s always the bare minimum. I decided that for the start of this financial year I would pay myself fortnightly with the amount of money I desire to earn. I am worthy of a full salary and superannuation.
Samantha Leith

Stage 4

Take Off

This is you if:

  • Your goal is to break 7-figures, maybe you’ve been trying to hit it for a few years
  • You’ve got a longing in your heart to become a millionaire and want 2022 to be your million-dollar year
  • You may be feeling lonely at this stage as you outgrow friends or other business besties
  • Maybe it’s become more difficult to find the right people to mastermind with
  • You’re longing for some rich buddies to vibe with There may be parts of your business that you dislike or are bored by
  • You may be experiencing burnout and exhaustion You might have people placing you on a pedestal, which can feel isolating.
  • Maybe you’ve noticed a few copycat businesses starting up around you.
  • You’ve realised you need to cultivate a better work/life balance.

This is a pivotal point in your business.

What got you here, isn’t going to be enough to grow past 7-figures.

You have to rise to the challenge here if you want to keep growing. The key issues you face at this stage are how to grow rapidly and how to finance that growth.

Money Bootcamp has got your back.

How Bootcamp helps you move from Stage 4 to Stage 5:

  • Grow without reinventing or breaking your business
  • Give yourself permission to earn double or triple the money by working way less hours
  • Consider retiring your partner or bringing them into your business
  • Help you reach for your goals and carve out your ultimate dream life
  • Give you the support of an amazing community of high-vibing entrepreneurs.

…and more

I’ve 6-figures in my company accounts

“When I joined the community 20 months ago I was $57k in debt – company/ credit cards/ store cards. This group kept me focused. Kept me inspired. But MORE importantly it kept me modelling what those who had what I wanted were doing. Day in & day out. I have NEVER in my life had 6 figures in my company accounts. And today I finally do!!”
Jo Mould

Stage 5

Building a Legacy

You’ve done amazing to get here but you’re:

  • Wondering what’s next now you’re a “millionaire”
  • Needing to maximise profit and start thinking about investments
  • Regularly having $100,000+ months but want to smooth out the big ups and downs
  • You’ve outgrown almost all of the people you knew when you were starting out
  • You’re not sure you can keep this up and you worry last year was a fluke
  • You want to start thinking about building a legacy or even retiring or working less
  • You want to make sure your business is having a positive impact
  • You need to work through the blocks involved in managing and leading a team
  • You might want to start to separate yourself from your business

How Bootcamp helps you thrive at Stage 5:

  • How to clear your emotional blockages around being visible
  • Breakthrough excuses about why you can’t double your income
  • Learn to run and love your business for more than just money’s sake
  • Improve your systems and bring fun back into your business
  • Learn to live as a wealthy person and be unapologetic for investing in yourself and want you want
  • Set even strong boundaries and learn to value and leverage your time
  • Create a new level of how much your allowed to receive
  • Learn to develop to combine the mindset of a CEO, entrepreneur and philanthropist

…and more

I just hit $2 million gross revenue!

“My business just hit $2,000,000 in gross revenues! Two years ago, I received the news that our seven figure income stream was going away within 30 days. We struggled hard to fight our way back and were almost bankrupt. Today, we hit $1,000,000 in sales for the year before the end of May. I’ve busted on through that terror barrier and I couldn’t be prouder of myself. Don’t ever give up. Never ever ever.”
Wendy Yursis Schultz

What is your dream life worth to you?

I want to help you realise your most ambitious goals for your life. Where do you want to get to in money terms – $100k? One million? I want you to reach for that.

In this course you’ll learn everything you need to get to the next level of success and to create financial freedom for you and your family.

Just before I stopped working with 1:1 clients my fees were $1,000 an hour and my cost to hire me as a speaker is 5-figures.

I’ve lost count of the number of members who tell me that joining Bootcamp was their best ever investment in themselves and their business.

So many more tell me they wish they had joined sooner.

Photo of businesswoman

If I was to offer a mastermind or VIP package with the level of access and group coaching in Money Bootcamp, I’d have to charge tens of thousands of dollars a year.

But with Bootcamp by combining online training, monthly coaching, our community, and the incredible support of our mentors you can connect with me and learn all of my mindset and business strategies for a fraction of that price.

Whenever I’m considering buying a course I ask myself “how many new sales or clients do I need to recoup this investment?” And “will doing this course / working with this mentor / being part of this community help me move towards my goals quicker?” “Can I learn essential tools and techniques to make a shift in my business and make more money?”

With lifetime access and my support, getting a return on joining Bootcamp will be a lot easier, and probably quicker, than you think.


  • You’ve just doubled your income whilst working half the hours.
  • Had your best ever month and finally broke through that plateau
  • Signed the contracts on your dream house
  • Retired your partner
  • Freed yourself up from ever having to work weekends again
  • Bought trip-of-a-lifetime tickets for a holiday for you and your family

How good does that feel? What’s the value of that freedom?

Money Bootcamp will clearly lead you through the steps you need to take to create your ultimate life.

It’s a win-win – invest in yourself now to start upgrading towards your First-Class life.

Photo of businesswoman

Join our community of inspiring, heart-centered entrepreneurs now

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Moneyback Guarantee badge

14-Day Moneyback Guarantee

I am confident that you’ll love this course and it will revolutionize your life… but if you’re feeling uncertain, you can rest assured that I have an iron-clad guarantee that makes this a 100% no-risk investment.

If, after two weeks in Bootcamp and our community, you decide that it’s not for you, just let me know and I’ll refund 100% of your tuitionno questions asked, no hard feelings, nothing but well wishes. That’s how confident I am in the quality of this program!

I want you to feel so freaking good about making this investment in yourself and your future. So if you try it out and it isn’t for you, then nothing lost.

Join now and feel confident in your decision with my 14-Day guarantee.

What Kind Of Results Do Members Achieve?

What WIll Abundance Look Like For You?

With 7,000+ Entrepreneurs (and counting) transforming their money mindset, creating life on their own terms, and making a bigger difference in the world…you’ll be in great company.


“What I love about Bootcamp is the Community… having a safe space to express myself and share with other women.”


“Joining Bootcamp was such a major step in my life that I feel I got permission to talk about money.”


“It helped me put a foundation in place and take control and power of my own money.”


“What I love about Bootcamp is the Community… having a safe space to express myself and share with other women.”


“What I love about Bootcamp is the Community… having a safe space to express myself and share with other women.”


“What I love about Bootcamp is the Community… having a safe space to express myself and share with other women.”

Free Bonuses

To make sure you get the most out of Bootcamp, I’ve included some free but SUPER valuable extras for you

From our uplifting community of driven entrepreneurs to a team of mentors on hand to advise and support you there’s so much GOLD here!

Bonus 1

Our Mastermind Community

Value: Priceless!

Ongoing access to our inspiring and supportive Facebook group with thousands of members from across the world.

This is a unique safe space to talk about your money goals, fears and sabotages. I promise it is one of the most supportive and positive places on the internet and this alone is worth the enrollment of Bootcamp. I can’t wait to welcome you!

What’s amazing about our Mastermind Community?

  • Get support and encouragement from our mentors and members.
  • Connect with like-minded entrepreneurs for inspiration & ideas.
  • Surround yourself with examples of people like you, all over the world and in all industries changing their lives and talking openly about money.
  • Thousands of experiences mean there’s always someone who’s been in a similar situation and can help you fast track your success

…and more

Bonus 2

Support From Experienced Community Mentors

Value: $197

Support from experienced and knowledgeable Community Mentors to answer your questions and help you make mindset breakthroughs.

We have a dedicated team of Mentors in the USA, UK and Australia providing guidance to help you make the most of the course materials and work through the blocks that are holding you back. Very few courses have this level of expertise and ongoing support at no extra cost.

How can this help you?

  • Get all your burning questions answered
  • Help you find the best Bootcamp resources to work on your specific situation or block and direct you to inspiring success stories and examples
  • Receive ongoing accountability and support, even at weekends!

…and more

Bonus 3

Money & Manifesting Meditations

Value: $197

Enjoy my series of six in-depth audio visualisations as I talk you through how to let go and embrace your new life of abundance and ease.

Visualizations include How to Heal Your Inner Child, Cutting Energetic Cords, How to Love and Forgive Your Body, The Future You and Your Ideal Day meditation.

These are powerful audios that take your learning and reflection deeper into your subconscious and strengthen your connection to the universe.

Plus my super powerful and personal favourite Subliminal Money Affirmation meditation; a special 1 hour and 11 minute audio infused with 1111 special money affirmations, all embedded below the peaceful sounds of the ocean, so that your subconscious mind can soak up the goodness and effortlessly reframe your beliefs.

How can these help you?

  • You’ll be able to easily and effortlessly release old money blocks
  • Provide a source of motivation and energy when you need to tap into your imagination and manifesting power
  • Receive guidance on using visualization to create your dream life.

…and more

Bonus 4

Advanced Pricing Course

Value: $197

Not sure what to charge or how to justify price increases to your clients?

Wondering how to charge premium prices without including your first-born child in the bonuses?

I’ve got you sorted with this exclusive 2-part pricing workshop jam-packed full of ideas on how to bring in fast cash with VIP days, premium client experiences and more.

In this workshop you’ll learn:

  • How to increase your prices with ease and grace
  • How to charge premium prices and attract wealthy clients
  • How to create VIP experiences to supercharge your income

…and more

Bonus 5

NEW Debt-Free Blueprint

Value: $197

If you’re in debt right now and it’s really weighing on you, use this new resource: The Debt-Free Blueprint to break free.

You’ll learn how you can release debt, how to create a fail-safe plan and the steps you need to follow to a debt-free future.

I’ll lead you through the stages from getting emotionally free of all the old stories around your debt to how to get really clear on your current financial situation. I’ll give you all the practical tools, trackers and info you need to create financial freedom.

How can this help you?

  • Put together a practical plan to get out of debt
  • Forgive yourself and others for previous spending and release the negative feelings you have about money
  • Work through a specific checklist to take action and make progress towards financial freedom.

…and more

Bonus 6

NEW 30 Day Mindset Journal

Value: $97

You can use this journal over and over again to create more abundance and success in your life. I share my 30 most effective tools and strategies for manifesting money. All you need is a little time every day and I promise you’ll make some massive shifts.

This journal will help you work on your abundance mindset every day for the next 30 days and by the end, you’ll be a different person.

How can this help you?

  • Learn daily practices to create more abundance and good fortune
  • Specific repeatable actions to uplevel your money mindset
  • Learn to maintain a consistent and abundant frame everyday – no more rollercoaster emotions about money

…and more

Bonus 7

Extra Mindset Workshops, Webinar & Event Library

Value: $397

Dive into the recordings of recent live events and webinar recordings including “7 Ways to Increase Your Abundance”, “Money Mindset Live”, “Manifesting Masterclass” and my “Clearing Money Clutter” workshop.

Each live recording will give you more insight, tools and techniques to apply in your life so you can earn more, be more and help more people.

Includes recent recordings of inspiring money mindset events in London and New York so you have the power of my keynote speeches and training on-demand.

How can this help you?

  • Extra insight and training to manifest more money
  • Specialised workshops and recordings to dive into when you need an extra hit of motivation
  • Tap into the experience of being in a room with me whenever you need to.

…and more

So much value…

That’s well over $1,000 worth of money mindset, manifesting and practical pricing courses, and other materials to support the transformation of your business and income over the next 12 months, and these bonuses are ONLY available when you join right now.

Money Bootcamp is everything

 Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to mak
Person 1

How Do You Know If Money Bootcamp Is The Best Money Mindset Course for you?

You should know that, even though plenty of online peeps claim to teach the ins and outs of ‘making over’ your money mindset, only a tiny few can back it up with real, concrete results. Unfortunately, most other programs haven’t really been proven. Or in many cases, the teacher themselves is actually broke (You’d be shocked how often that happens!)

This Bootcamp is the OPPOSITE of that. I ONLY teach what I’ve put into practice in my own life with amazing success (and I have the booming business and bank balance to prove it).

Even more importantly, I’ve literally walked THOUSANDS of entrepreneurs through this exact process – from struggling single moms right through to already-successful entrepreneurs – and helped them become genuine money magnets in their own lives.

Money Bootcamp is based on a money-making formula that actually works.

What to look for in a money mindset course:

  • A mentor with good money habits and low drama behind the scenes
  • A leader who is walking their talk A supportive community (that doesn’t fizzle out when the course is over)
  • The right mix of energy and ambition so you feel stretched and inspired to go to the next level
  • Ongoing support and inspiration for when you need it most

Will Money Bootcamp Work In Your Industry?

Money Bootcamp is not industry-specific. It’s about creating a healthy relationship with money and more abundance and chill. Some of the industries that have found great success include:

  • Business & Performance Coaches, Consultants, Accountants
  • Musicians, Entertainers, Authors
  • Marketing & Profit strategists
  • Fine artists, Photographers & Other Creatives
  • Health & wellness professionals, Energy healers, Spiritual mentors
  • Web designers, Graphic designers, Social media & branding experts
  • Yoga teachers, Life coaches & Tarot readers
  • Course creators, Content Creators, Influencers

Meet Your Money Mindset Mentor

Denise Duffield-Thomas

What Gives Me The Right To Teach You About This Money Mindset Stuff?

  • A multi-millionaire by 35
  • Author of 3 bestselling money mindset books
  • Runs a highly successful business alongside her husband
  • ‘One of the foremost financial advisors for women’ ~ Entrepreneur

I help you to normalize wealth and to identify and then release all the sabotages holding you back.

I’m really good at what I do, and I’ve helped thousands of women completely change their relationship with money.

I’m here to help and serve (my Virgo side lives for being of service). Money isn’t the only thing in the world, but together we can use money as a tool for GOOD.

Join our community of inspiring, heart-centered entrepreneurs now

Choose the plan that’s right for you and join us today

Most Flexible

3 x monthly Payments

$749 USD


Best Value

One Payment

$1,997 USD

Save $250

Here’s A Reminder Of What You Get In Money Bootcamp

You’ll unlock instant access to training videos, resources & worksheets.

Each module leads you through the exact step by step process that I used to deal with my money blocks and become a multi-millionaire.

Screenshot of module or lesson on mobile or tablet
  • Mobile and tablet friendly so you can learn from anywhere.
  • All training videos are available with English, French, German, Italian and Spanish subtitles.


Whether you’re feeling scared, nervous or skeptical – that’s totally okay and totally normal.

It’s totally right for you to want all of the information before committing and I’m happy to answer your questions.

If you feel called to do this work and want my support to upgrade your money mindset, I know I can help.

This is YOUR YEAR to release your money blocks, increase your income with ease and grace, and surround yourself with amazing women.

Dive into the FAQs and if you still have questions Click Here to message me and let’s get you sorted. 

Yes, Money Bootcamp will support you whatever level you’re at, whether you’ve a kernel of a dream of a fully established business. Do you want to create more wealth and abundance in your daily life? Then this course is for you!

Check out our payment plan; this allows you to pay for the course in instalments. This course will support you towards shifting your money blocks and bringing in greater wealth and success in all areas of your life.

The course itself is made up of six modules and you have lifetime access to them. And all the juicy bonuses. So you can take as long as you need to complete it. a whole year? Or more?

I recommend booking out 15 minutes a day to hang out in the community online and work on your money mindset.

This course is designed for people at all levels in their business. There’s tools that you can learn now that will support you even when you get to millionaire level. It’s great that you’re working on your mindset from the get-go!

We have resources to help support you to break free from debt. Many of our members have paid off their debt and are now living a life they only dreamed of prior to taking this course. I am not a financial advisor though so I recommend getting support from a debt service in addition to taking this course.

This course is designed to support you whoever you are- – just starting out or making millions. There’s always money mindset work to be done. It’s great to get started on your journey to entrepreneurship with a healthy relationship to money and a strong money mindset though. Go you!

There are two calls every month, one designed for US and UK time and one for AUS time-zones. There are usually enough people on each call to create a real buzz and excitement, and also keep you motivated but not so many that you feel lost. In answer to your question, the perfect amount!

Plus, the community itself is like a massive support bubble – you can get accountability, cheerleading and more in this wonderful, uplifting group of high-vining entrepreneurs!

There’s built in accountability with monthly coaching calls, community mentors to support you

There are regular emails and accountability posts in the Facebook group. 

Not to worry at all as the whole course is now available in FOUR different languages. We have members from all over the world. You can now choose to add Spanish, German, French or Italian subtitles to my training videos to better support you on your money mindset journey.

Yes! We all have money blocks and this course is designed to help you deal with YOUR specific money story and sabotages.

If YOU have a dream to grow your business, earn the money you deserve, create your ideal lifestyle and make a real difference in the world this is the course for you!

WE have the support, tools, and community to make it happen — a lot quicker and easier than you ever imagined. No matter where you’re starting from. Come and join us!

You can join over 7,000 entrepreneurs today and start upgrading your money mindset


There are always upper limit issues and income plateaus that have a nasty habit of cropping up (the glass ceiling is real in the entrepreneurial world too!). When these hurdles inevitably hit, having the right tools in place is essential to break through quickly to the next level of success.

In fact, upgrading your money mindset is the FASTEST way to go to the next level in your business. Better yet, unlike some biz strategies (that can take months – or even years – to pay off), when you upgrade your beliefs around money, you’ll start seeing results immediately.

Like, in your very next sales call, discovery session, or product launch.


This system has allowed them to revolutionize their money mindset, turn their fortunes around and finally experience true wealth.

We’ve had graduates double, triple, and quadruple their income. We’ve had business owners triple their prices (and book-out their client rosters)

Dream houses have been bought, holidays have been had, and abundance has been achieved on a level that you almost wouldn’t believe if you were not a part of our vibrant, supportive community…

Join our community of inspiring, heart-centered entrepreneurs now

Choose the plan that’s right for you and join us today

Most Flexible

3 x monthly Payments



Best Value

One Payment


Save $250

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